Saw some words recently that really resonate with me:

“I think I need to keep being creative, not to prove anything but because it makes me happy just to do it . . I think trying to be creative, keeping busy, has a lot to do with keeping you alive.” — Willie Nelson

It highlights a fundamental truth about the human spirit: the inherent need to create, to express, and to connect. It’s not just about seeking validation or accolades but about finding joy and fulfillment in the act of creation itself.

Creating is a way of making a mark in the world, a testament to one’s existence, a brushstroke on the vast canvas of the universe. These creations, whether good or bad, popular or unknown, are extensions of its creator, imbued with thoughts, feelings, and essence.

Building connections with people through the one’s work is another aspect of creativity. Every piece is a conversation starter, a bridge that connects with others across the vast expanse of human experience. Through creativity, one can share the world in their eyes and, in return, be inspired by the beauty and diversity of human expression.

Defying the law of entropy, creative endeavors are acts of resistance against the inevitable decay and chaos of the universe. Where entropy seeks to disperse and disorganize, creativity assembles and gives form. It’s a battle against the passage of time, a way to leave behind something enduring, something that can outlive one’s physical existence.

Most importantly, creativity is synonymous with living. To create is to be alive, to feel deeply, to think freely, and to express authentically. It’s a journey of continuous exploration, discovery, and growth. With every creation, one learns a little more about themselves, the world, and the intricate connections that bind everything together.

For me, I want to make a lot of things, blog posts, apps, music, games, even companies, and I want to keep making them til the last day of my life.