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常常听到某个点子就差个程序员之说,现在一个人可能就可以弄出以前需要各种product, engineer团队来打造的产品。中小企业会像雨后春笋一样出现,带来新的一波产业繁荣。我们正处在AI萌芽期,以后AI会像计算机一样逐渐渗透到各行各业提升效率,这个转型期可能会持续几十年,而且会带来各种各样的机会。



因此,芯片行业会极其重要,芯片很快将成为信息时代的“石油”。Nvidia, AMD,Intel作为三大巨头自不必说,行业上游下游的晶圆厂代工厂也可以关注起来,包括芯片相关的ETF比如#SOXL。





我不觉得这个职业会消失,在会自己思考和会进化的AGI出现之前,程序员肯定都是要存在的,但受到AI科技革命的影响导致职位需求减少,或者要求变高也很正常。比如以后可能程序员不仅仅是负责写代码了,而是同时负责一个产品的方方面面,比如用Midjourney设计出UX design,用ChatGPT做出用户文案等等。






  1. 计算机理论基础,包括底层架构,分布式计算,网络硬件等等。
  2. 资本主义市场,从珍妮纺纱机到蒸汽机,到汽车飞机,再到计算机互联网,每一个科技浪潮都是由资本驱动的。
  3. 公司快速发布产品,迭代和维护的需求,码农做的事情的本质就是在为公司创造产品。
  4. 人的基本需求,吃穿住行教育医疗。
  5. AI对算力,数据和能源的需求。


English Version

At its core, ChatGPT fundamentally enhances the efficiency of connecting people with information.

Before, to find an answer to a question, it might involve searching on Google, browsing through several pages, and then clicking into each page to locate the desired information. Now, one can directly, and more accurately, obtain the answer through ChatGPT with context. Roughly estimated, the former process might take several to tens of minutes, while asking ChatGPT can reduce this to just a few seconds. When people can directly connect with the information they need through AI algorithms, will search engines still be necessary?

Nearly all industries depend on the connection between people and information. Theoretically, this kind of AI will enhance the efficiency of societal operations in all aspects, which can be termed a “technological revolution.”

From the spinning jenny to steam engine, to cars and airplanes, then to computers and the internet, each technological wave has benefited everyone. It’s foreseeable that the costs of essentials like food, clothing, housing, transportation, healthcare, and education will further decrease, and the overall material wealth of society will continue to increase, even though the wealth gap may widen.

What opportunities will ChatGPT bring?

Many people are concerned that AI might lead to job losses in tech, which is a valid point. However, looking at it from another angle, the barrier for workers to become entrepreneurs has also been lowered.

It’s often said that a great idea just lacks a programmer. Now, an individual might be able to create a product that previously required a whole engineering teams. Small and medium-sized enterprises will emerge rapidly, heralding a new wave of industrial prosperity. We are currently at the early stages of AI, and in the future, AI will gradually permeate all industries to enhance efficiency. This transformation could last for decades and will bring a plethora of opportunities.

Chip is the new oil

It’s foreseeable that, for at least several decades, companies controlling computing power and data will have a significant monopoly advantage. Limited by the boundaries of Moore’s Law, it will be difficult to further reduce computing costs before the advent of quantum computing, essentially creating a deep moat.

Thus, the chip industry will become extremely important, with chips soon becoming the “oil” of the information age.

“Useless class”

In the AI era, to stand out, the demands on an individual’s initiative and learning ability have increased. However, human nature remains constant. A significant portion of people might become a “useless class,” entertained to death by short videos and other information streams, relying on government subsidies. The gap between a small number of self-driven elites and the rest will likely widen.

The Impact of AI on Tech workers

Programmers are a profession that emerged after the computer technology revolution, and their widespread demand and high salaries mainly benefited from the widespread adoption of the internet, low marginal costs of products, and scale economy network effects, lasting only about two to three decades.

I don’t think this profession will disappear. Until AGI that can think and evolve on its own appears, programmers will certainly exist. However, it’s normal for job demand to decrease or requirements to increase. For example, in the future, programmers may not only be responsible for coding but also for handling all aspects of a product.

As tech workers, the most important thing is to fully embrace AI, establish a continuous learning system, and always be ready for career transformation.

The second thing is to try more low-cost business ventures. As mentioned earlier, AI lowers the barrier for entrepreneurship, making it more attainable for one person to create a great product.

The third is building investment habit. No matter how much AI progresses, the rules of capitalism remain unchanged.

Focus on the Unchangeable

Although predicting the future is impossible, we can consider what remains unchanged in a rapidly changing world over decades. A few examples include:

  • The theoretical foundations of computers, including underlying architecture, distributed computing, network hardware, etc.
  • The capitalist market.
  • The need for companies to rapidly release, iterate, and maintain products. The essence of what programmers do is to create products for companies.
  • Basic human needs: food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, and healthcare.
  • AI’s demand for computing power, data, and energy.

So, if you want to enhance your own competitiveness or even find entrepreneurial ideas, you can start with these unchanging things. For example, don’t limit yourself to software, learn more about design and underlying hardware; consider how AI can be applied to fields such as education, healthcare, agriculture, etc; or invest in stocks of early-stage AI companies, and so on.