
Last time, we journeyed through the realm of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), but stumbled upon its limitation as a static model. It couldn’t quite capture the dynamics of human behavior over time. To sculpt a more nuanced understanding, we embarked on a quest fueled by curiosity by asking some basic questions: how do individuals make choices when outcomes are uncertain? How can preferences be represented and measured? How to model risk aversion level? These musings guided us to the shores of Expected Utility Theory.

Crafted by the brilliant minds of John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern in their landmark 1944 tome, “Theory of Games and Economic Behavior,” this theory laid the mathematical keel for sailing through decisions under uncertainty. They introduced us to utility functions that map outcomes to a numerical value, representing the satisfaction or preference level of the decision-maker, and by proposing that decisions are made so as to maximize expected utility, rather than expected monetary value.

Moreover, the contour of the utility function reveals much about a person’s stance towards risk, categorizing them into three adventurers: the risk-averse, who tread cautiously; the risk-neutral, who stride indifferently; and the risk-seeking, who chase the thrill.

We now have the equipment of expected utility to dive into the intriguing world of equilibrium pricing. You might wonder, “How do we figure out the ‘right’ price for things in a market where everyone has their own utility functions?” This is where the concept of equilibrium pricing comes into play, acting as the superhero that balances everyone’s desires and resources. Think of it as the party planner who ensures everyone has a good time without running out of snacks. In financial terms, it’s the price at which supply meets demand, and everyone is as happy as they can be without making someone else worse off.

Now, imagine a world where every conceivable outcome in the future could be bought and sold today. This magical marketplace is known as the Arrow-Debreu market, named after two economists who were like the financial world’s version of Batman and Robin. They showed that if we could trade ‘state-contingent’ claims (essentially bets on every possible future event), we could achieve an incredibly efficient allocation of resources. It’s as if you could buy insurance for every minor inconvenience in life, from spilling coffee on your shirt to rain on your wedding day. The Arrow-Debreu model demonstrates how markets can theoretically lead to optimal use of resources, under the assumption of complete markets and perfect competition.

But what does “optimal” really mean? Enter Pareto Optimality, a fancy term for a situation where no one can be made better off without making someone else worse off. It’s like a perfectly balanced see-saw. The Arrow-Debreu model assures us that the equilibrium prices will lead to a Pareto Optimal allocation of resources, ensuring that the economic pie is sliced in the most efficient way possible, even if it doesn’t address how big a slice everyone gets.

This brings us to the superhero duo of economic theory: the First and Second Theorems of Welfare Economics. The first theorem is like the optimistic friend who believes everything will work out for the best, stating that any competitive equilibrium (like our equilibrium pricing) naturally leads to a Pareto Optimal allocation of resources. The second theorem is the resourceful friend who knows how to work the system, claiming that with the right initial distribution of wealth, we can achieve any Pareto Optimal outcome through competitive markets. Essentially, if we can just figure out how to divide the initial slice of the economic pie, the market will take care of the rest.

But real life is messier than these elegant theories suggest, which is where the Consumption-Based Capital Asset Pricing Model (C-CAPM) comes in. Building on the CAPM, which tells us how to price assets in a static world, C-CAPM incorporates the idea of expected utility and personal consumption over time. It connects the dots between how we value future consumption, our aversion to risk, and the prices of assets today. Imagine deciding between spending all your money on a lavish party today or investing in a startup that makes flying cars. C-CAPM helps explain why and how you make such decisions, by considering your habits, how much you value future consumption, and your fear of missing out on future parties or successful investments.

To sum up, our journey through financial economics shows us how individual preferences and risk attitudes shape decisions (Expected Utility Theory), how these decisions lead to market prices that balance supply and demand (Equilibrium Pricing), and how, in an ideal world, these prices lead to the most efficient allocation of resources (Arrow-Debreu Market and Pareto Optimality). The Welfare Theorems give us hope that, under the right conditions, markets can lead to outcomes that are good for society, while C-CAPM bridges the gap between our personal consumption choices and the broader financial markets. Together, these concepts form a tapestry that illustrates the intricate dance between individual choices and market dynamics.

In the next note, we’ll dive into the world of relative pricing and its foundational role in understanding financial derivatives. This journey will bridge the abstract with the practical, showcasing how the theories we’ve discussed not only illuminate the underpinnings of financial markets but also directly influence the valuation and trading of derivatives like options.










