About Me

  • I want to create things and make connections with the world.
  • I think being weird is awesome! 🤘 Why so serious anyways?
  • I’m committed to self growth while maintaining a balanced lifestyle.
  • “The days are long but the decades are short”

What I’m doing now 2024/04/07

Making music and a side project related to music.


  • 创造有意义的东西然后和世界建立联系是人生的最高使命
  • 爱好养生,学习,折腾,质疑一切权威
  • 虽然最终肯定会失败,但是和熵增做斗争的过程也是很有趣的
  • “十年很短,一日很长”

现在在干嘛 2024/04/07

做音乐和写一个与音乐相关的side project